South China fishing village thrives through surfing

HAIKOU: When Li Jing first arrived in Tianxin a decade ago, she never imagined the small fishing village would transform itself into a bustling surfing resort.
Located just a few hundred meters from Riyue Bay, a premier surfing spot in Wanning City in southern China’s Hainan Province, Tianxin has reaped the benefits of surfing’s development and morphed into a surfer’s paradise in recent years.
Li settled in the village in 2013. “The environment here is perfect for me. I adore living by the sea with my dog, surfing under the blue sky and white clouds every day,” she said.
Over the past ten years, Li has taken part in surfing competitions and related activities, witnessing the village’s remarkable evolution.
“In 2013, the village had just one path leading into it, and express delivery services were non-existent. Now, Tianxin boasts five express stations, a gym, and even a skatepark. Life is becoming increasingly convenient,” Li explained.
Riyue Bay, with its high-quality seawater and comfortable water temperature, has become a world-class surfing destination suitable for year-round enjoyment. The bay is renowned for its long waves and consistent swells.
Tianxin has emerged as a preferred choice for surfers seeking accommodation and dining options. Surfing’s surge in popularity since 2019 has attracted more surfers and tourists to Riyue Bay, as well as young entrepreneurs looking to start their businesses. Tang Xin first visited Riyue Bay with friends on China’s National Day in 2021. Just one month later, he decided to launch a homestay business in Tianxin. –Agencies