Speaker NA inspects seating arrangements

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser visited
National Assembly Hall on Tuesday to examine the seating arrangements in the
Hall for the ongoing session of the Assembly. The Speaker ordered for making
new seating arrangement following the principle of social distancing in order to minimize chances of spread of corona virus.
The Additional Secretary (legislation) apprised the Speaker that as per new seating arrangements, seats in the Hall have been placed at distance of two meters. He brief that the visitor’s galleries would remain closed during the sittings of the Assembly with minimum presence of secretariat staff. Regarding presence of media in Press Gallery, he was apprised that same principle had been observed while making seating arrangement for media in the press gallery and cards would be issues as per SoPs jointly developed by National Assembly & Senate Secretariats, Ministry of Information and Parliamentary Reporters Association. It was informed that staff tested negative for corona virus would be deputed to perform duties in the Hall during the session.
Speaker Asad Qaiser expressed his satisfaction of the new seating arrangement, however, directed for disinfection of Assembly Hall, chambers and offices on daily basis. He also ordered for making mandatory for all to wear face masks and follow health guidelines and SoPs in order to minimize the spread of the contagious disease.