Speakers highlight education importance

RAWALPINDI: Speakers of a special seminar on “Education is the Key to Success” held in connection with the connection the World Education Day, while highlighting the importance of education emphasized on the need to harmonize knowledge and skills with modern requirements. The most basic purpose of education is to make man aware of his identity and the purpose of creation, they said.
Organized by the Jinnah Iqbal South Asian Pulse Forum (JISAF) with the collaboration of Anjuman Fiazul Islam (AFI), seminar was held at Mian Hayyat Bakhsh Hall of AFI. Former Senior Economic Advisor of World Bank Fateh M. Choudhary was the chief guest and president of AFI Prof. Dr. Riaz Ahmed presided over the event. Rana Abdul Baqi, Chairman JISAF hosted the seminar while a large number of students and teachers of Anjuman-e-Faiz-ul-Islam including Senior Vice President of National Press Club Dr. Sadia Kamal, Former Member Punjab Bar Council Sajjad Akbar Abbasi Advocate, Dr. Sabahat Sajjad, Forum Organizer Arsalan Akbar Abbasi, Rana Ali Sajjad and members were present on the occasion.
While elaborating the importance of education in detail, Fateh M. Choudhary said that the Father of the Nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had termed education as a matter of life and death for Pakistan which has not yet received the attention it deserved. “The educational reforms being undertaken by the present government to give equal role to Urdu, English educational institutions and madrassas in the national mainstream of development are very important and encouraging”, he added.
Fateh M Chaudhry said that personality and character building is an integral part of education on which teachers should pay full attention. Passing the exam and obtaining paper degrees by adopting illegal means and dishonesty is an escape from the purpose of education.
In his address, Prof. Dr. Riaz Ahmed highlighted the need and importance of education and said that the primary and most important responsibility of teachers is to create a lust and desire for education in their students. When the passion for learning develops, the students perform very well in the field of education. He said that teachers are role models for their students and they follow their teachers so they should be practical in which they teach their student.