SSP Traffic inspects available resources of ITP


ISLAMABAD: SSP Traffic Farrukh Rasheed inspected the vehicles, bikes and other equipment under use of Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) and directed to repair the broken down machinery at the earliest.
According to details, SSP Traffic checked all the available resources with ITP and directed to repair the broken down vehicles and bikes. He said that the vehicles and motorcycles should be mechanically fit and to be properly utilized for the assigned tasks.
He said there would be no compromise on performance and more resources including vehicles and bikes would be provided to the force.
SSP Traffic said that performance of ITP’s personnel would be reviewed on continuous basis and those showing good performance would be rewarded while those administering slackness would face disciplinary action.
SP Traffic Ch. Khalid Rasheed, DSPs of all Zones and Inspectors were also present during the inspection process.