Standing Committee Session started in Beijing

BEIJING: China’s top legislature started a session to review a draft law on administrative discipline for government employees, and a draft law on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong, among other documents.
Li Zhanshu, chairman of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, presided over the first plenary meeting of the committee’s 19th session on Thursday morning. The session will run until June 20.
The draft law on administrative discipline for government employees was submitted to the session for its third reading. The latest draft, among others, establishes a mechanism to correct wrong decisions on administrative discipline.
Also on the lawmakers’ table was a draft revision to the Law on the People’s Armed Police Force, which was submitted for a second reading. The lawmakers also began to review the second draft revision to the Archives Law, which further pushes for opening and using archives, strengthens the archives’ digitalization, and ensures information security.
The NPC Constitution and Law Committee considered the above three drafts as ready, and proposed their adoption at the session. A draft law on safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China was submitted to the session for deliberation.
The move was to implement the spirit and requirements of the NPC Decision on Establishing and Improving the Legal System and Enforcement Mechanisms for the HKSAR to Safeguard National Security, which was adopted at the third session of the 13th NPC in May. Entrusted by the Council of Chairpersons, Shen Chunyao, director of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee, briefed lawmakers on the draft. Other new legislative bills presented to the session included draft laws on promoting rural vitalization, and support for veterans. Lawmakers are also deliberating a proposal on joining the Arms Trade Treaty. – Agencies