State Council handles 7,162 proposals, 3,281 motions

BEIJING: The State Council has handled 7,162 proposals made by national legislators and 3,281 motions made by national political advisors in 2019, Xi Yanchun, spokeswoman for the State Council Information Office, said.
The proposals and motions were made during last year’s two sessions, China’s biggest political event of the year.
Speaking at a news conference in Beijing, she said that the handled proposals and motions accounted for 87.8 percent and 85 percent of the total respectively, and were all settled on time.
The news conference was held ahead of the 2020 two sessions, which will start from May 21 when thousands of delegates to the National People’s Congress, the legislative body, and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the top political advisory body, will gather in Beijing for political discussions.
Last year, all ministries of the State Council adopted more than 3,000 suggestions made by national legislators and political advisors during the gathering, she said, adding that they have also issued over 1,500 related policies accordingly, published 6,200 replies to the proposals and motions, and released more than 250 policy interpretation documents.
She said all ministries have handled the proposals in a “responsible and practical” way and achieved good results, benefiting the progress of the country’s poverty alleviation work, innovation and other reforms.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item