‘Steps needed to strengthen NACTA’

By Adnan Rafique

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister, Brig (R) Ijaz Ahmad Shah chairing the meeting of Board of Governors (BoGs) of NACTA here on Thursday insisted on strengthening the institution and to increase its efficiency as a thinktank.
Major decisions were taken during the meeting with unanimous approval of the present members. The meeting undertook 14 points agenda and the matters were discussed in detail.
Interior Minister Ijaz Shah appreciated the role of NACTA in countering terrorism and its efforts pertaining to counter terror financing. “This role is significant in context of FATF measures undertaken by the country,” he said.
From the financial and administrative proposals submitted by National Coordinator NACTA, Mr. Khalid Dad Lak were discussed in detail. The Federal Minister and Board members approved the utility of budget as approved by the finance division. Furthermore, the Minister emphasized upon the transparent record keeping of finances and expenditure. “You must ensure that the record is well kept, process is transparent and audits are done in time” the Federal Minister directed.
Approval of BPS Scale was also given by the Board members for NACTA along with the medical benefits in accordance to the rules and regulations as defined by Finance Division. Furthermore, operationalization of available vehicles for the official utilities was also approved.