Strive to build a modern & Chinese civilization

BEIJING: At a symposium on cultural inheritance and development he recently attended in Beijing, President Xi Jinping made comprehensive, systematical and profound statements on a series of significant theoretical and practical issues concerning the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, providing guidance for strengthening Chinese people’s confidence in the country’s culture, and helping them take on a new cultural mission in the new era and make solid progress facilitating the advancement of modern Chinese civilization and building a country with an appealing socialist culture.
The integration of Marxism and China’s fine traditional culture can create a new type of culture that fits within Chinese modernization, and it can also expand the cultural foundation of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
And their integration can provide a broader cultural space for theoretical and institutional innovation for the future, and strengthen the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese people.
Today, the traditional Chinese culture is undergoing creative transformation and development. The influence and appeal of the Chinese civilization have been significantly enhanced, and the Party and people of all ethnic groups have become increasingly confident in their culture.
The reason for the historic achievements China has made in cultural development in the new era lies in the strong leadership of the top authorities, who have accurately grasped the trend of worldwide ideological and cultural interaction and the profound changes in Chinese social ideology, constantly deepened the understanding of cultural construction, and put forward a series of new thoughts, new viewpoints and new assertions.
Chinese modernization is a modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are coordinated, and it is deeply rooted in the fine traditional Chinese culture and represents a new form of human civilization.
Only by continuing to promote cultural prosperity, building China into a country with an appealing culture and modern civilization, can it constantly meet the ever-growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people, promote all-round material enrichment and all-round human development, and steadily advance the modernization drive.
At present, China’s development has entered a period where strategic opportunities, risks and challenges coexist, and uncertainties are on the rise. Therefore, Chinese people must be prepared to withstand some major tests in the times ahead, strengthen their confidence in their culture, and take on new cultural missions, to constantly enhance the spiritual strength of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item