Students, parents praise govt’s Tele Education initiative

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: Distance learning in the days of social distancing was not less than a blessing for the students forced to remain in their houses amid coronavirus pandemic. During, this crisis the incumbent government has brought a hope among the children who were staying indoor and were unable to continue their studies due lockdown as well as those who couldn’t bear school expenses.
Similarly, the initiative to educate everyone through Tele Education stands impressive and unique in its own way as senior citizen could even learn from it. Moreover, previous governments did not pay heed to take such a progressive step, Syeda Izza Batool Sherazi a student of 9th grade said. “I have learnt concepts of science subjects and have found the teaching style very effective,’ she further commented. Hania Sajid a student of same class expressed that animated style of teaching turned the dry topics very interesting, the language is very simple and fathomable. “I am very excited to watch the Tele education Taleem Ghar Ghar, I have attended all lectures of my class, I felt satisfied, she further added. I always found English and Mathematics very tough and boring so I used to rely on cramming often, no matter how hard my teachers try to teach me,but after watching these lectures, I do not feel to go for cramming, stated Amman Sajid a student of 8th grade. Erum Anees, mother of two kids said the thought of engaging her son in positive activities and helping him to not lose interest in education was bothering her.
Internet packages were so high and online teaching was often halted due to interruption in internet. Moreover, mobile cards were quite costly and they couldn’t get him a smart mobile right now, she said. Schools were closed and tutors refused to give tuition due to coronavirus, Tele education was so helpful that my son completed the first topic of his course book by just watching channel, she shared.
Tehmina Zulfiqar, another parent of three kids said ‘Tele education’ would prove very fruitful in near future. As learning through television without spending a single penny would be accessible for everyone as private schools were very expensive and tutors demand for high fee too. “My children were wasting time in playing dangerous games with unknown people on internet or playing mischievous tricks on eachother, I set their study routine since the education transmission started’ she further shared.
Saad Khan, from Shah Allah Ditta said,he lived in a countryside area of capital where low fee private schools could not provide modern education as teachers hired for coaching were often less educated. “I wanted my child to learn correct language and can not afford any expensive private school,but the teacher of Tele education was delivering the lecture in an impressive style that my child was copying him,moreover it overjoyed me,he further expressed.
This pandemic had changed their life style,they were puzzled to manage everything as responsibilities were being done in haphazard way,they could not figure it out to continue the education process,this transmission relieved them,he added.
Nasir Baloch a resident of Rawalpindi said this transmission would definitely help adults to relearn the basic concepts and would promote adult education,the children of far flung area where internet signals did not operate or schools are in gloomy state could get benefited,he mentioned. Moreover it would culminate the decades old issue of ghost schools and teachers, he added. She was worried for her four-year-old child’s pre-school education as admissions were closed to contain coronavirus spread,but this Tele education has helped her so far to train her child at home,she shared.
This was an unprecedented initiative which was not taken in past to provide free education to all, it must be continued in future,she suggested.
Its a very good, great effors of the present government, not only the children are engaged in curricular activities but also it provides guidelines to teachers about managing their online teaching methodology, a senior college lecture Ayesha Riaz said.