Students urged to create awareness against Coronavirus

LAHORE: Vice Chancellor of Punjab University Prof Niaz Ahmad has written an email to all present students and alumni of Punjab University to be a volunteer to create awareness and help implement government instructions in order to curtail the spread of COVID-19.

In his email, the VC said that since the creation of Pakistan, students of dear homeland had always played important roles in dealing with different crises and have accomplished enviable feats of bravery.

“Today, the whole world, including Pakistan faces a grave concern; and again, the students have a great national and religious responsibility on their shoulders. They need to once again rise up to the situation and pen another story of courage by playing their part in it,” he said in the email.

He urged the students that being an educated citizen of Pakistan, it was incumbent upon them to play their role in checking the spread of COVID-19. He advised that the students needed to create awareness amongst their relatives and neighbors and help them to the best possible extent to manage this outbreak.

“Apart from this, the information that you get from the government through print and electronic media should also be communicated to people around you and help them comply with those guidelines.

Remember, only those nations successfully come out of such crises which face these problems with courage, commitment and passion. I have a firm belief in you and am sure you would participate in the betterment and uplift of our country passionately,” the VC said.