Summons US CdA in Beijing to lodge protest

BEIJING: In a rare move, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu on Wednesday summoned William Klein, acting charge d’affaires of the U.S. Embassy in China, to lodge stern representations and strong protest against US Senate’s passing of the so-called Hong Kong Human Rights
and Democracy Act of 2019. “We strongly urge the U.S. side to immediately take effective measures to prevent this act from becoming law, immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China’s other internal affairs. Otherwise, China will have to take strong countermeasures and the U.S. side must face all the consequences,” Ma said.

The U.S. Senate’s move, which has blatantly interfered in Hong Kong affairs and China’s other internal affairs, is in serious violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations, and China firmly opposes it, he noted.

Hong Kong is part of China and Hong Kong affairs are China’s internal affairs, brooking no interference from any foreign government or foreign forces, Ma said.

Ma stressed that the Chinese government has unswerving determination to defend national sovereignty, security and development interests, implement “one country, two systems” policy and oppose any external force in interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs.

“China hereby warns the United States that any attempt to destroy Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability or obstruct China’s development is doomed to fail and will only end up hurting itself,” he said.