Surgical Oncology Conference held at PIMS

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: The 17th Annual Surgical Oncology Society of Pakistan’s conference was organized at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS).
The conference, held in collaboration with the General Surgery Department of PIMS Hospital, was chaired by Professor Dr. S.H Waqar, Head of General Surgery Department of PIMS Hospital.
The three-day conference was attended by local and foreign surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists and others from the medical field. Medical students and postgraduate trainees also participated in the conference.
The aim of the conference was to create awareness about cancer treatment and modern treatment.
The participants of the conference, including surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists and others, were trained by foreign trainers on modern cancer treatment also providing awareness about modern research on cancer treatment.
In the conference, senior doctors trained junior doctors and also made them aware about the research topic. On this occasion, Professor Dr. Imran Sikandar, Executive Director of PIMS Hospital, addressed the conference.
At the conference, national and international doctors emphasized on information and modern treatment regarding cancer treatment.
The founding president of the Surgical Oncology Society of Pakistan, Professor Dr. Arshad Cheema, and the current President, Professor Haroon Javed Majid, thanked the PIMS hospital and the conference administration for their cooperation in organizing the conference, especially the Executive Director of PIMS, Professor Dr. Rana Imran Sikandar and Professor Dr. S.H. Waqar.Pakistani cuisine recipes
The participants appreciated the Surgical Oncology Society of Pakistan for organizing the conference.
The participants said that such conferences are very helpful for doctors and other related people belonging to the medical field.Pakistani cuisine recipes
At the end of the conference, awards were given to various national and foreign doctors in recognition of their outstanding services.