Swat marble factories closed in protest against expensive electricity

PESHAWAR: Over 40 marble factories in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s
Swat have been closed since February 1 in protest against increased
electricity prices.

According to a report Shahabuddin, factory owners have complained of being
charged huge and unjustified taxes.

“The government is taking money from us in the name of fuel adjustment,” a
marble factory owner said.

During this conflict between the authorities and businessmen, it’s the
employees who are suffering the most. Thousands of workers have been
rendered jobless.

“Every morning we go to the factories hoping they will open now but we go
back home with the same luck,” an labourer said. “It has been over 15 days
now. How are we supposed to feed our families this way?”

The owners have, on the other hand, refused to reopen factories until all
the taxes are withdrawn and their demands are met.

Over the years, experts have said Pakistan’s marble and granite industry has
the potential to eliminate unemployment in the country because of its
variety. It can earn multi-billion dollars for the country through exports. -Agencies