‘Taiwan should ask Beijing, not Washington to return to WHA’

BEIJING: The Taiwan secessionist authority has failed to receive an invitation from the World Health Assembly (WHA) for the fifth consecutive year even as the US and its other major Western countries voiced their support to the island earlier this month, and the authority of the island has once again complained and accused the Chinese mainland of “bullying” Taiwan and blocking Taiwan from attending the WHA.
Chinese mainland analysts said that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) with a separatism and secessionism stance should understand that the Biden administration and other Western governments will only use Taiwan as a tool to provoke the Chinese mainland, so they don’t care about Taiwan’s public health at all, and the most effective shortcut for Taiwan to return to the WHA is to respect the one-China principle and ask Beijing for permission, rather than turning to Washington and Europe. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that the secessionist stance of the Taiwan DPP authority is the key reason why the island cannot participate in the WHA. “Since the DPP gained power in 2016, it has always insisted on a Taiwan secessionist stance, and refused to admit that both the mainland and Taiwan belong to the same China, so the political basis for Taiwan to attend the WHA no longer exists,” Hua Chunying, a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said at Tuesday’s routine press conference. The 74th WHA will take place May 24-June 1 in Geneva via video link. The online application closed on Monday, and the Taiwan authority said on Tuesday it didn’t receive an invitation. On May 5, the G7 Foreign and Development Ministers’ Meeting produced a communiqué to support “Taiwan’s meaningful participation in World Health Organization forums and the World Health Assembly.”
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item