Tajikistan experiencing steep price hikes on eatables

DM Monitoring

Dushanbe: An article by Farangis Najibullah posted on Radio Liberty’s website says Tajikistan, the poorest country in Central Asia, is experiencing steep price hikes on food that have put a further strain on a population that is already struggling to put adequate supplies on their tables.
Meat, Butter Considered ‘Luxuries’ As Tajiks Face Steep Price Hikes notes that it’s forcing many families to forego important nutritious food and only purchase basic staples, an alarming trend in a country where an estimated one-third of the population faces malnutrition.
According to the World Food Program, 47 percent of the people in Tajikistan live on less than US$1.33 a day and an estimated 30 percent of the population are malnourished, the article says.
The coronavirus pandemic has sent food prices soaring in many countries, as it forced border closures, restricted transport networks, and disrupted import and export systems.
Millions of households in the remittances-dependent country reportedly saw their main source of income vanish as many migrant workers were unable to travel to Russia and Kazakhstan this year.
According to the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Population, the number of Tajik migrants who went abroad for work in 2020 decreased by 57 percent compared to last year. Even those who managed to go have had their earnings dwindle due to pandemic restrictions in the host countries.
In April, the government ordered farmers to grow more vegetables and grains instead of inedible crops, and to try to get three rounds of harvests to help ensure food security in the country.
Officials also called on the population to use their land plots and backyards as well as greenhouses to grow vegetables. Households were urged to harvest and store a two-year food supply.
Dushanbe also introduced a ban on the export of some agricultural products, including grains, potatoes, legumes, eggs, and meat.
But with 93 percent of its lands covered by mountains, it’s a tall order for Tajikistan to become self-reliant in producing food for its 9.3 million inhabitants, according to the article.