Tajiks mark Independence Day without mass events

DUSHANBE: This year, Tajikistan marked the 29th anniversary of its independence without public events due to the coronavirus pandemic, media reported on Thursday.
No mass events such as theatrical shows and festivities were held this year on the occasion of Independence Day.
Each year on September 9, concerts and public celebrations are held across the country to mark its independence, but the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on COVID-19 Response made decision on September 2 to ban all celebrations, cultural events, conferences and other mass events dedicated to the country’s Independence for the purpose of preventing the second wave of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country.
Taking into consideration the fact that the second wave of the virus is spreading fast in some countries of the region, but the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on COVID-19 Response called on the population to strictly observe sanitary requirements, wear face masks and practice social distancing.
Independence Day of Tajikistan is the main national holiday of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In the late 1980s political processes began in the Soviet Union, which have been associated with the start of the democratization of the Soviet society. Facing a spillover of the unrests throughout Eastern Europe that began in Poland, the republics of the USSR under the influence of the national-democratic forces began the process of declaring “state sovereignty” in the national parliaments of the republics. And so, sovereignty was also announced in the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic.
On August 24, 1990, the second session of the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR adopted the Declaration “On the Sovereignty of the Tajik SSR.” But this sovereignty was declared while the Soviet Union still existed.–Agencies