Taliban on negotiating table

Taliban had released new videos of the Taliban’s Deputy leaders, Sirajuddin Haqqani, in which Haqqani is addressing to the Taliban religious Scholars and Judges and explaining importance of Taliban judiciary system and the role being played by the Judges. In the video, Haqqani said that the Judges had maintained the status and glory of the Emirate and taught the religion of Allah and the path of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to the people. He advised the Judges to stay connected with other organs of the Emirate and tell him if they come across any problem during execution of the duties. Haqqani said, if other organ of the Emirate does not cooperate with Judges let him know so the issue could be resolved. He informed the audience that head of the Judicial system Sheikh Noorullah is continuously travelling to all corners of the country for supervision of the group’s Judicial systems. Haqqani told judges that the public perception of the Taliban’s system is based on the judges more than the military committee or others. He added that His Excellency Sheikh Amir ul Mumineen, Haibatullah Akhundzada, has “much confidence” in them. While expressing hope in the Judges Haqqani said that they may have some plans on this matter because we are about to go into a system of power, they must be well prepared. As per reports, Taliban has promoted two video speeches of Haqqani in the past two months. As said, Haqqani mostly talked about preparation of the Taliban’s transition form an insurgency to a government and advised his audience to remain humble and avoid internal division. He also discussed the Taliban’s commission administering the public affairs of the Emirate. As a matter of fact, there have been several questions regarding recent videos of Haqqani being circulated in the media about their authenticity, purpose, and time of the release is questionable, particularly when the Intra-Afghan dialogues had struck in a critical junction. There are vast prospects of these videos for either side both negative and positive. As per most of the opinion makers, the videos are having propagating contents for both sides. Taliban can use it for boosting their fighters and sympathizers while claiming the so-called victory and onward transition into a new government, at time when the layout and share of the Taliban in future Afghan government is unclear. Similarly, Taliban’s opponent, whatsoever may be, easily present these videos as an evidence of Taliban’s future motives in an effort to further dilute the already stalled Intra-Afghan talks.
However, the world must look on the ground realities instead of a claim made by someone. The ground reality is that Taliban are a fact, they are controlling a significant part of Afghanistan’s territory and have support of a faction of Afghan society. They contested America for two decades and still able to continue this war for years. But on other hand, it is also a fact, that they do not represent most of the Afghan nation. After, successful conclusion of Intra-Afghan talks, Taliban have to abandon the philosophy of Emirate and likely to join the Afghan national government as agree upon by the parties. Taliban fighters would likely join the ranks of Afghan national Army. Therefore, at time, all stakeholders and their well wishers must be patient and utilize their energies for resumption and successful conclusion of the negotiation, that will pave the path to a peaceful and stable Afghanistan.