Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) complete & comprehensive: Shazia

By Asim Hussain

RAWALPINDI: Parliamentary Secretary for Information and Culture, Punjab, Shazia Rizwan on Sunday said that Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a blessing, grace, and a great favor for humanity.
The teachings of the Prophet (PBUH) are complete and comprehensive, providing guidance for both worldly and spiritual life. One can attain success in both this world and the hereafter by following his teachings.
She expressed these views during her address as the Chief Guest at a Mehfil e Sama, which was organized by Pakistan Arts council (PAC) in connection with Eid e Milad in Nabi (PBUH).
Shazia maintained that Shariah brought by the Prophet (PBUH) is sufficient and complete until the Day of Judgment. The blessed personality of the Prophet (PBUH) is a source of mercy and guidance for all humanity.
“The Quran refers to the Prophet (PBUH) as “Khatam-un-Nabiyeen” (the Last Prophet), affirming that the chain of the Prophethood concluded with him and no prophet will come after him”, she said.
Shazia also appreciated the management of PAC for organizing the event. She informed the audience that CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif has issued special directives to immediately address the issues faced by arts councils and artists across Punjab. She remarked that artists are the positive face of any society.
“Punjab government will soon announce various measures for the welfare and betterment of artists”, she added.
Director PAC, Sajjad Hussain on the occasion stated that Qawwali holds a special place and reputation in the subcontinent of Pakistan and India. “Through this art form, the Sufi saints and spiritual leaders spread the message of Allah and His Prophet (PBUH) across the subcontinent”, he said adding that Qawwali has played a significant role in leading countless non-Muslims to embrace Islam. He also added that along with Qawwali, the mystical poetry of renowned Punjabi poets and saints has also played a vital role in spreading the light of Islam.
“Even today, listening to the poetry of the revered saints creates a profound spiritual atmosphere for the listeners”, he said.
Earlier, renowned Qawwal Sultan al-Qadria performed in the mehfil-e-Sama and received great appreciation from the audience. A large number of people from the twin cities attended the event.