Team of Health Ministry, ICT Admin pay surprise visit to quarantine centres

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: A joint Team of Ministry of National Health Services and Regulations and ICT Administration visited all the quarantine centers for surprise inspection. Secretary Health Dr Tanveer, AS Health Dr Atta, DC Islamabad, ADCG were all together for check duties of medical doctors and to see if services were upto the marks
The team visited Pak China Center, Hostel City Chattha Bakhtawar and Private Hotels to see if the passengers were comfortable and if all services are being provided as per the standards. It was informed that as soon as the passenger lands his tests are taken after 48 hours of landing. After that if his results are positive he is quarantined here and if his results are negative he is sent to his home district with SOP for staying in isolation for the next 14 days at his home. Concerned district Administration and Home Dept is also informed.
Secretary Health showed satisfaction over the arrangements made. DC Islamabad presented that Islamabad has been a model for all other cities regarding quarantine centers and facilities.
It was informed that people were initially not satisfied with facilities of Hajj Complex so the new center is shifted to Hostel City in Chattha Bakhtawar. Hajj complex was a make shift arrangement and it is now being used for quarantining for law enforcement agencies officials who return from leave. They will be kept here before they joint their services when they return from their leave periods.
Islamabad Administration is maintaining 15 different quarantine centers across the city. 3 centers are for those who can’t afford and rest are private hotels.