Tehran, Ankara set to boost exchanges

TEHRAN: Science and Technology Interaction Center of Iran’s Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology is to host the Iran-Turkey online business meeting in a bid to increase mutual technological interactions.
With the cooperation of the Turkish Investment Growth and Development Center, Synergia, this event will be held via virtual B2B meetings in specialized fields of ‘Minerals’, ‘Petrochemical Industries’, and ‘Metals’ on February 3, 2021.
Taking part in the event, the participants will be briefed about “Familiarity with export opportunities to Turkey”, “Interest of Turkish companies in Iranian products”, “Identification of business partners” and “Introduction of how to enter the Turkish market”.
Considering the cultural and religious commonalities of Iran and Turkey, the development of scientific and technological cooperation between the two sides is a necessity. Given Iran’s leading position in many scientific fields in West Asia and Turkey’s capabilities in the fields of trade and commerce, such bilateral interactions will bring good and technological developments for the two countries.
In January 2020, heading an Iranian knowledge-based and technology delegation, Vice-President for the Science and Technology Sorena Sattari traveled to Turkey with the aim of expanding the international interactions of Iranian knowledge-based companies.
He met and hold talks with the Turkish Vice President, Minister of Industry and Technology, and Head of Higher Education Council on the development of scientific and technological cooperation to develop relations in science and technology and knowledge-based companies between the two countries. –Agencies