Ten years on, army hands over security to civil govt in Dir

TIMERGARA: Military authorities transferred their responsibilities to civil administration after 10 years in Lower and Upper Dir districts at a function held in this regard at the Dir Scouts Fort in Balambat.
Malakand General Offi­cer Commanding (GOC) Maj Gen Ali Aamir Awan was the chief guest on the occasion.
Malakand Commissioner Syed Zaheer ul Islam, regional police officer Akh­tar Hayat Gandapur, Dir Task Force Commandant Colonel Shehzad Amir, deputy commissioners of Lower and Upper Dir, DPOs, Khy­ber Pakhtunkhwa’s Finance Minister Muzafar Said, MNAs Sahibzada Yaqub Khan, Sahibzada Tariqullah, area elders and other civil and military officers attended the function.
Speaking on the occasion, the GOC said that all check-posts in Lower and Upper Dir were being handed over to police and security forces would remain present in border areas. He, however, said the security forces would fully cooperate with the civil administration in maintaining peace and order.
Appreciating the role of local elders, media men and civil administration, the GOC said that complete peace in the region had been restored. He said 10 years ago the militants had challenged the writ of the government in Swat and Dir and troops were sent to the areas to control the deteriorating situation.
Maj Gen Awan said the militants had been bombing schools, hospitals and markets at that time. A total of 470 soldiers, including officers, embraced martyrdom during the military operation against the anti-state elements. He said the militants were rooted out and the government writ had been restored.
He said that 300 schools in Malakand division were rehabilitated, while 32 new schools were built. The police and Levies forces were imparted capacity building trainings and they were made capable to cope with any untoward situation.
Malakand Commissioner Syed Zaheer ul Islam and Dir Task Force Commandant Colonel Shehzad Amir also addressed at the function.
Earlier, the troops presented guard of honour to the guest, while an army band performed music on drum beats.