Terrorism has no boundaries or nationality: Murad

Bureau Repor

KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that terrorism is a global issue and the terrorists have no boundaries, no nationality and no religion and their main objective is to work against humanity. He said that now, the international community as a whole was united against terrorism and has fought successful battles against them but even today their threat to innocent lives is still simmering, therefore our strategy to combat terrorism should be multidimensional right from educating our new generation about the fruits of social values, co-existence and inter-faith harmony and plural society. The chief minister said this while speaking at the launching ceremony of Pakistan’s Action to Counter Terrorism (PACT), Sindh here on Wednesday. The programme was attended by EU Ambassador Ms Androulla KAMINARA, Home Secretary Usman Chachar and others.
Murad Shah said that terrorism was a global issue and it knows no international boundaries. “Terrorism emerges in one particular region and leaves adverse effects around the world,” he said and added “it negatively impacts the human life, health, properties, peace and stability.” He said that in Pakistan, the terrorists were getting discouraged due to the resolve and resilience of the Pakistani nation. “The challenges warrant a focused joint response by the Pakistani law enforcement agencies and civil society,” he said.
The Sindh Chief Minister said that as part of Pakistan’s global commitment for ensuring peace and security, the government has devised a National Action Plan in close partnership with all the federal and provincial stakeholders. “Approved by parliament, the National Action Plan combines foreign and domestic policy initiatives aimed to detect, pursue and prosecute terrorist organizations while providing protection to the vulnerable across the country.
He said that the National Action Plan was considered as a well-structured and coordinated state response against terrorism, which has received unprecedented levels of support and co-operation across the country’s political spectrum. “Sindh has developed a Rule of Law Roadmap under which preventing, and countering terrorism is an important pillar,” he said.
Murad Shah thanked to dedicated law enforcement personnel, civil society and most importantly Pakistani people, the Operations Zarb-e-Azab which focusses terrorism and Rad-ul-Fasaad that was against violent extremism, have started bearing fruits. “These strategic initiatives by the Government of Pakistan are aimed at ensuring stability and better future, while the country stands on the road to economic growth and development through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC),” he said. He added that these comprehensive counter-terrorism initiatives of Pakistan to effectively eliminate terrorism and extremism were being well-recognized globally.
He said that Secretary General of the United Nations Mr Antonio Guterres during his recent visit lauded Pakistan’s efforts and journey from terrorism to tourism and called for recognizing and appreciating it.
The chief minister thanked all law enforcement agencies for the remarkable dedication and immense sacrifices for turning the tide and for moving from terrorism to tourism. He re-affirmed the political will of his government for working together with our national and international partners to effectively prevent and counter terrorism. “We look forward to continuing with the same resolve and resilience, with its envisaged contributory effects on counterterrorism in the region and beyond,” he said and added “we are closely interacting with the European Union, United Nations and other international partners, in pursuance of our common goals and objectives.”
Mr. Shah said that the PACT Project which we have launched today would contribute towards a paradigm shift and deliver support to all stakeholders in Sindh, including Police.