The actual game in Balochistan

Makhdoom Babar

WHILE federal government making all out efforts to bring peace and tranquility in Balochistan, some smartening disclosures reveal that the actual game behind the wave of lawlessness and subversive activities in that part of the country is something else with strong involvements of foreign hands that are bent upon ‘arranging’ people military scuffle in the province with the connivance of certain unscrupulous elements of the province.
According to the investigations, carried out by The Daily Mail, there are certain solid evidences, indicating clearly that there is a very strong involvement of the Indian intelligence agencies in the current disturbed situation of Balochistan province. These investigations reveal that though the authorities concerned have gathered sufficient evidences to prove Indian involvement, yet the matter is not being taken up with India for the sake of continued peace and dialogue process and till the availability of complete proofs in this direction.
According to The Daily Mail’s investigations, almost a year back, Indian intelligence agency chalked out a plan to destabilize Balochistan. Earlier they were aiming to create serious security concerns for China in Balochistan for an ultimate halt on the Gawadar Port project. For that purpose, a team of RAW’s Special Operations Division (SOD), under the command of SOD Chief Chhota Rajan was moved to Kandahar from Jalalabad. This team nurtured some miscreants and provided them with arms and ammunition to ‘organize’ sectarian clashes and later direct attack on Chinese engineers in Gawadar in early summers last year. When this plan could not get the desired success, the focus was shifted to Chinese engineers in Waziristan area and the kidnapping of two Chinese engineers was planned. For that purpose, some militants in the Wana area, who were already in contact with Rajan gang as Rajan gang was constantly supplying them with arms, ammunition and explosives, were taken into the confidence and the plan of kidnapping the Chinese engineers was got executed. The investigators say that automatic weapons of same make and origin were recovered from the kidnapers of Chinese engineers that were later recovered from some miscreants in Sui a few days back.
The Daily Mail’s investigations further indicate that later, when some ‘favourable’ wind started blowing in Balochistan, it was decided to nurture some suitable members of Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and POONAM. These investigations reveal that since the American satellites started monitoring the activities of Rajan’s people and as Pakistan Army strengthened security on Pak Afghan border, it was decided to pull back the activists of Special Operations Division and Rajan was tasked to execute the new plan via RAW’s Iranian operatives.
At this point, RAW’s high profile Zahidan based operative, identified as Mehrab Baladi alias Issa alias Raza Moghaddam and popularly know in Quetta as Agha Irani, who runs a medium scale shopping mall in Zahidan and a big shopping mall in down town Tehran was assigned the task.
Aagha Irani, who had an interaction with some of the members of Balochistan National Army and some other tribal militants of Balochistan who had been helping him for safe smuggling of a variety of items from both sides of Pak-Iran border, started cultivating these BLA members and other tribal militants. Agha Irani motivate some five top members of the BLA and some four other important tribal militants of Balochistan to carry out attack on gas installations. These investigations indicate that Agha convinced them that if they would be able to register their writ, there was every likelihood of them getting huge chunk of money from proposed Iran -India gas pipeline project and not only this but by establishing a terror, they would be able grab lot of bucks through extortion from the investors in Gawadar. Some credible sources say that since one of the main operations of the Chhota Rajan led Special operation Division of RAW is extortion, it is quite evident that the above mentioned elements were given a comprehensive extortion plan for future by Agha Irani.
The investigations further reveal that after three to five meetings, Agha succeed in motivating them and promised them supply of arms, ammunition and other weaponry from the same routes that he had been using for smuggling. These investigations further reveal that from October to early December, Agha Irani paid some18 visits between Balochistan and Zahidan some of them via Taaftaan and rests through other secret routs. It is learnt that during one of these visits, Agha was once detected by Iranian border patrols and at another occasion, he was intercepted by Pakistani authorities but at both the occasions he managed to escape though at one occasion, he could not succeed in fleeing along with some weapons that he was shipping to tribal militants in Balochistan. It is learnt that the investigators, probing the sabotage in Sui have ascertained that same rockets were fired in Sui that were often used by the militants in Wana area and according to some credible records, the same rockets remained in use of Tamil Terrorists of LTTE, an Indian sponsored terror outfit of Sri Lanka; a fact that clearly indicates as to who is behind the whole game. Some intelligence observers say that if this is the situation than one can easily conclude as to why was India showing reluctance in okaying the gas pipeline project via Balochistan while it had maximum benefits for India.
The investigations further elaborate that after Agha found it hard to visit Balochistan, he first asked the said BLA members to visit Iran but then invited them to Dubai where at least five BLA activists held detailed meeting with Agha and ‘enjoyed’ his ‘hospitality’ between 24th December 2004 to 2nd January 2005. During these meetings, Agha briefed them about the routs of the shipments of arms and rockets that were delivered to them later between 5th and 7th of January 2005 after which a plan of attack on gas installations in Sui was finalized and later executed. Authorities are also tightening noose around a Dubai based Pakistani travel agent who is also having offices in Blue Area Islamabad who made travel arrangements for the said BLA miscreants. It also learnt that the Baluch tribal militants changed their tone only after they got the possession of the arms’ consignment from Agha earlier this month and decided to open up against the government. On the other side, Agha Irani, soon after dispatching the last consignment, disappeared from his Zahidan outlet and went underground, telling his employers that he was proceeding for Hajj.
Defense analysts and intelligence observers say that by creating this scenario in Balochistan, the enemy wants to obtain a variety of results. It wants a public army confrontation in Balochistan, aiming to initiate a separatist movement in the province in the long run; it wants to divert the attention of Pak troops from anti-terror operations in Waziristan area; it wants to portray Pak troops as anti-civilian forces in the eyes of Baluchis and Pashtoons, it wants to destabilize Balochistan and to make situation very fragile in the province to create highly negative impact on Gawadar project and follow-up investment there while it also desires to divert Pakistan’s attention from Baglihar issue to wrap it up quickly.
It is learnt that the investigators are conducting the investigations on very scientific basis and have already collected some very vital evidences and proofs to expose the actual game in Balochistan.