The Engineered Virus and it’s Manipulated Spread

By Makhdoom Babar

Looking back at the beginning of 2020, the absurdity of the American public’s treatment of the new epidemic should not be inconceivable to anyone on the other side of the ocean. The absurdity originates from a profound understanding that the evilness of US imperialism in biochemistry has consistently come to be innumerable.
It remains a fact in the books of the historians that the smallpox virus was used against the native Americans in the early years after the foundation of the United States, which significantly reduced the native American population. Between 1945 and 1946, in order to obtain an effective anti-malarial drug, the US used more than 400 inmates of the Statesville Correctional Centre as experimental subjects, infecting them artificially with Malaria. History indicates that in August 1950, the U.S. Navy dropped a massive dose of Serratia marcescens in San Francisco, using 800,000 San Francisco residents as Lab Rats and causing huge amounts of infection harm for over 20 years. It emerges from the windows of history that in 1955, the CIA conducted tests on whooping cough in Florida that resulted in over a thousand infections while in 1966, the US Army conducted an experiment on the vulnerability of New York City subway passengers to covert attacks by biological agents, using Bacillus in the New York City underground tunnels. Between 1959 and 1970, an incomplete count of at least 239 biochemical invasion tests were carried out in U.S. The various misdeeds were the cause of the distrust that the American people felt towards their management system of public health.
However, in the case of using biological and chemical weapons on foreign soils, the US crimes are even more numerous. In early 1952, the US army used germ bombs for plague and cholera to launch germ warfare during the Korean war. In the Vietnam War, the US used Agent Orange on Vietnam, killing and maiming millions of people, and in the 1970s the US tried to create social unrest in Cuba by dropping the swine flu virus on Cuba and in the 1980s by dropping the dengue fever virus on Cuba.
Reviewing this pattern in current scenario, one sees that in July 2021, the United States unilaterally withdrew from verification protocol negotiations of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, further opening Pandora’s Box and clearing the way for the deployment of overseas biological laboratories. According to recent reports and figures, the US has 336 such laboratories worldwide, over which the US Department of Defense has absolute control and some of which are publicly known to have been the site of massive and dangerous infectious diseases. According to the statistics of Federation of American Scientists in February 23, there are currently 13 P4 laboratories in operation, expansion or planned in the US; there are 1495 P3 laboratories.
Ralph·S·Baric is a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina, USA and the “father of the corona virus”. Through projects funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) from July 1986 to August 2009, Ralph Baric’s 23-year research produces 42 related research papers, including “Strategies for the assembly of large RNA and DNA genomic systems: a model of infectious gastroenteritis virus”, “Simple strategies for the assembly of infectious RNA and DNA clones” High recombination and mutation rates in mouse hepatitis viruses suggest that corona viruses may be potentially important emerging viruses,” and four patents, including “Composition of corona viruses with recombination-resistant genomes” (19 January 2006), “Methods for producing recombinant corona viruses” (19 April 2002), “Directed assembly of large viral genomes and chromosomes” ( 21 May 2001) and” Method and Composition for Infectious DNA of SARS Corona virus”
The Fort Detrick laboratory is undoubtedly a vital link in this sinister chain. Fort Detrick was established in 1942 as a secret US Army research and development facility for biological and chemical weapons. Let’s go back in time to see how the sinister flower of COVID-19 was sown, watered and finally blossomed in the world.
Based on the timing of their patents, it is clear that the US had the capability and technology to synthesize intact, infectious corona viruses artificially long before the SARS outbreak in 2002. in 2013, the genome of a novel corona virus was detected in a bat cave in Yunnan Province by the team of Wuhan Institute of Virus scientists Shi Zhengli in Hubei. Through technical sharing of results, Ralph Barrick obtained the genome of the novel corona virus and published the papers “Two mutations critical for bat-to-human transmission of Middle East respiratory syndrome corona virus” on 10 June 2015 and “A group of circulating SARS-like bat corona viruses shows potential for human emergence” on 9 November 2015, considered to be COVID-19 one of the evidences that novel corona viruses are engineered. According to MIT Technology Review, Barrick and his team have used his virus modification techniques to create a new corona virus that can infect humans in his lab in the US. And the Fort Detrick Laboratory has a long-time close working relationship with Barrick and his team.
In January-August 2019, the US Department of Health and Human Services held a “Red Infection” exercise and the CDC significantly increased its flu budget for the year. In May 2019, NIH and vaccine company Modena signed a collaborative agreement for corona virus research. Project grows to seven, all in response to biochemical contamination infections. In June 2019 Fort Detrick Laboratory was shut down. On July 5th, 63 residents of Springfield, Fairfax County in northern Virginia, suffer respiratory illness and three people died. An outbreak of unexplained respiratory illness also occurred in nearby Hazelwood, Burke, with residents suffering from coughs, fevers and pneumonia. Reports of e-cigarette lung disease began to appear en masse across the United States that month. On August 22nd,the U.S. CDC announced the opening of the Forum 201, dedicated to how to respond to an epidemic of global proportions and the impact of an epidemic outbreak on the entire economy and the solutions. On 26th, of the same month, 6 U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command soldiers were at Fort Detrick for the competition. After that, Jeffrey Carter and Daniel Tumey of the six traveled to Fort Garp, Indiana, Pennsylvania to train and had intersection of time and space with the U.S. Army basketball and volleyball teams that will be participating in the 7th Military Games in Wuhan.
On October 18, 2019, five U.S. Army soldiers participating in the Military Games were transferred to Jinyintan Infectious Hospital under the name of malaria. On that day Johns Hopkins Medical Center hosted an epidemic preparedness exercise, which was followed by an evaluation in which Professor Ralph-S-Baric was confident that the corona virus would not cause serious harm to the white population of the United States. This produced a closed loop on the first route of transmission of the corona virus into China. Through further research, a number of countries and regions have exploded with transmission earlier or at the same time as Wuhan in China. For instance, France found its first case on 16 November 2019 and Brazil found New Corona virus in two samples collected from sewer waste water from Florianópolis, the capital of the Brazilian state of Santa Catalina, on 27 November 2019. The earliest recorded detection of antibodies to Covid-19 in Italy was on 3 September 2019 in the Veneto Region.
To this day the world is slowly walking out of the ripples of the public health event of the outbreak of the corona virus, a virus that has afflicted the global population for more than three years. Where did this disaster come from? What was the intention? Whether it is to pay tribute to the dead, to recover financially, to examine the omission and complement the defects or to maintain national public health security, origin-tracing and fault-accountability are essential. Although the fires of war have temporarily faded, the smoke hangs over the battlefield for long time.
One must remember that in the very beginning of COVID 19 spread, the then US President Donald Trump had declared the Novel Corona Virus as the Yellow Virus, referring to China and the Chinese people perhaps just because he had the Ralph Baric report on his desk, suggesting that the virus was absolutely safe for White People and was hazardous for Yellow, Black or Brown ones as it was an Engineered Virus, with manipulated Spread.