‘Third Belt & Road Forum to serve as catalyst for advanced economic growth’

BEIJING: The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation to be held in Beijing next month is expected to serve as a catalyst for advanced economic growth while tackling intricate global challenges.
“Addressing complex global challenges will require multi-dimensional approaches involving not only infrastructure development but also cooperation in areas such as healthcare, education, governance, and policy harmonization,” said Dr. Hassan Daud Butt Associate Professor and former project director of CPEC, while talking to media. Marking the 10th year of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Forum assumes a vital role in fostering communication, cooperation, and coordination for the next phase.
Daud said the objective of the event should be to establish a consensus on significant regional and global challenges and opportunities. This consensus should pave the way for cooperation and alignment in policy execution to expedite economic reforms.
Speaking about Pakistan’s position, he noted that Pakistan holds a significant role in BRI and has so much to showcase this year. In terms of deliverables, BRI created over 200,000 employment opportunities, 6000 MW of electricity with 886 KMs transmission lines and 510 KMs roads, creating rural-urban synergy. “In terms of regional connectivity, the country developed its blue economy through Gwadar Port and its connectivity with the hinterland through coastal highways and the rest of the world through the upcoming Gwadar airport which is being constructed with a Chinese grant of $230 million,” he added. Talking about the upcoming Belt and Road Forum, Khalid Taimur Akram, an expert of Geo Strategic Affairs and advisor on BRI said the upcoming forum serves as a pivotal platform for global stakeholders, including policymakers, scholars, and practitioners, to converge on the multifaceted impacts of CPEC and the broader BRI on economic, social, environmental, and geopolitical dimensions.
“This underscores a commitment to exploring fresh opportunities within BRI, fostering financial service cooperation, and enhancing people-to-people exchanges,” he said. –Agencies