Tibet on path towards progress

As China celebrates the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet this year, the State Council Information Office released a white paper on the historic event and Tibet’s development over the past seven decades. The white paper, titled “Tibet Since 1951: Liberation, Development and Prosperity,” systematically reviewed the great historic progress of Tibet achieving peaceful liberation, launching democratic reform, establishing an autonomous region, advancing socialist construction, practicing reform and opening up, and entering a new era. It objectively demonstrated the great achievements made by Tibet under the leadership of the CPC in political, economic, cultural, society and ecological sectors. The white paper presented a true and panoramic picture of the new socialist Tibet, and refuted the lies fabricated by some foreign forces with concrete facts, which is of important significance for the international society to have a correct understanding of the profound changes taking place in the autonomous region. On May 23, 1951, the Agreement of the Central People’s Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet (17-Article Agreement) was signed, officially proclaiming the peaceful liberation of Tibet. A thousand years of darkness have dissipated in the past seven decades, and Tibet has broken free from its backward, autocratic, isolated past to embrace prosperity, democracy, and an open future. Entering the new era following the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to the development of Tibet, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has set the direction and made overall plans. All-round progress has been made in all endeavors. Under the strong leadership of the CPC and with the vigorous support of the whole country, Tibet has eradicated extreme poverty. Enjoying a stable social environment, economic and cultural prosperity, and a sound eco-environment, the people now lead better lives and live in contentment. A brand new socialist Tibet has taken shape. During the past seven decades, the CPC has united and led the ethnic peoples of Tibet to achieve historic change and unprecedented success. These seventy years have fully demonstrated that the Tibetan people’s fundamental interests can only be protected in a unified country with territorial integrity. Only by upholding CPC leadership, socialism with Chinese characteristics, and regional ethnic autonomy can there be long-term peace, stability and development in Tibet. Only by pursuing reform and opening up can Tibet build its economy and society. Only by seeking people-centered development can Tibet better meet its people’s hopes for a better life. Only by following the Party’s guidelines for governing Tibet in a new era can the region transform into a modern and beautiful new socialist Tibet characterized by unity, prosperity, civility, and harmony. –PD