Tibet welfare association to help save more lives

LHASA: A new charity association was established recently in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region, to support public welfare including the donation of blood, hematopoietic stem cells and human organs.
The Tibet Three Donations Serving Association is believed to be the region’s first such charity, and China’s first provincial-level association focusing on such donations. mTsering Norbu, the founder of the association, said that since 2014, he has been participating in blood donations, and he had noticed the lack of an organization in Tibet to work on such donations.
In July 2019, he established a volunteer team with some of his friends. After more than 800 people joined in the last two years, he thought of establishing a service association.
“I hope more patients will benefit via this association, because all the volunteers have registered to donate blood, hematopoietic stem cells or organs in needed circumstances,” said Tsering Norbu.
He said the work of encouraging more people to support the donations needs to be strengthened in Tibet, as the publicity work was inadequate.
“Fewer people in Tibet support the work so far, not because of their beliefs or other factors, but due to inadequate publicity,” he said. “Most Tibetan people are Buddhists, so donation of physical objects accords with their religious practices because it is saving the lives of other people.”
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item