Time to raise the flag for supremacy of justice: Nawaz Sharif

LAHORE: Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said the time has come to raise the flag for the supremacy of justice in Pakistan.

“The time has come now to raise the flag for the supremacy of justice. Our history shows that all those dictators which came to power, were legitimised by the courts,” said the PML-N chief while addressing the party’s social media convention.

The former premier lamented that Pervez Musharraf broke the Constitution but his case is still pending in the courts, yet “they gave the verdict against us in a matter of weeks.”
The PML-N leader said although Pakistan has been independent since its creation in 1947, its founder Quaid-e-Azam’s dream is yet to be realized to the full.
The former prime minister also questioned his disqualification by the Supreme Court. “Where have you heard that a leader is disqualified because he did not receive a salary from his son?” Nawaz asked.
“A ladla (dear) is excused despite admitting to his crime,” Nawaz said in an apparent reference to Imran Khan.
Nawaz added that throughout the world people had the right to elect a government, but this was not the case in Pakistan. “Pakistan is a country where the offshore companies of some are halal and others haram.”
The PML-N chief, addressing the social media convention, said the courts thankfully did not term Imran’s assets as Nawaz Sharif’s.
“And when he [Imran] accepts the assets as his, they say the assets are not yours.”
“Till today they could not even prove Rs10 worth of corruption.”
He further said that these are the circumstances which are destroying the country.
“This is a matter of the Constitution and law’s supremacy,” said the PML-N chief.
Nawaz added that he had previously run a campaign for the supremacy of the judiciary in 2009 and is not against the institution. “Those who refer to me as a coward, are the ones who went and hid in Rawalpindi when the time came for fighting for the judiciary’s supremacy.”
Referring to the upcoming elections, Nawaz claimed that the PML-N will have a historic win.
Pointing out the development work undertaken during his government, Nawaz said he delivered on his promises. “In 2013 I had promised to eliminate load shedding and that commitment was fulfilled.”
“We eliminated terrorism over the past four years, with the grace of Allah. Cricket returned to Lahore,” he said.
However, the progress of Pakistan has come to a standstill ever since the Panama Papers decision, Nawaz lamented.

Criticizing Imran further, Nawaz said the PTI chairman loses elections and then searches for ways to bring down an elected government and its prime minister.

“Imran will be clean bowled during the 2018 elections. You will not be able to win the elections,” claimed Nawaz.

Addressing the youth, the former prime minister expressed hope that the youth of the country would make Pakistan a better place and added that the youth will take the country forward.

“We cannot go back now. We will only go forward. The youth will take Pakistan forward. Nobody can stop you except God,” Nawaz said.
“Your future should be better than your past and present.”

Referring to his GT road rally, the PML-N chief said the people promised him that they would stand for the sanctity of the ballot and he was hopeful to see the youth promising the same during the convention.

Imran lashes at Nawaz

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Chairman Imran Khan lashed out at his political opponent, Nawaz Sharif and said those who were brought to the forefront by dictators are today talking about democracy.

Imran’s criticism of Nawaz came during his press conference alongside Pakistan Awami Tehreek’s Dr. Tahirul Qardri.

Referring to the start of Nawaz’s political career, Imran said there is only one dear in politics.