Top COVID expert awarded highest honor

BEIJING: The Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) conferred the Decoration of Honor – Grand Lotus, Macao’s highest award, to top Chinese COVID-19 expert Zhong Nanshan and former Chief Executive of Macao SAR Chui Sai On for their contributions to the city. The announcement came ahead of celebrations marking the 21st anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland on Sunday.
The Decorations, Medals and Certificates of Merit awarded for 2020 were given to 34 individuals or organizations for their outstanding contributions to Macao’s development and distinguished services, according to an annual award list released Saturday. The Decoration of Honor – Golden Lotus is the highest award under the Macao SAR honors and awards system, and recognizes lifelong and highly significant contributions to the wellbeing of Macao.
Zhong, the renowned respiratory disease expert, was also awarded Medal of the Republic in September, the highest state honor, from the central government for his outstanding contributions to fighting the COVID-19 epidemic. Chui served as the second Chief Executive of Macao SAR from 2009 to 2019. The government of Macao confers honors every year which are classified into “Grand Lotus,” “Golden Lotus,” and “Silver Lotus,” as well as medals of achievements for professional elite organizations or government departments.
Other entities and individuals who performed well in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic were also honored.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item