Tourism will soon be given industry status: SAPM

FAISALABAD: Tourism will be given status of full-fledge industry which would be managed by private sector and government would play its role as a facilitator and regulator, said Mr. Azam Jamil Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Tourism.

Addressing a cultural dinner on 2nd day of Pakistan Economic Conference (PEC) organized by the Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI), he said that the government has finally decided to devolve Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) and its hotels, motels and other assets would be transferred to the concerned provinces under the condition that they would hand over the same to the private sector within a period of two months.

He said that the government is not meant to run businesses but its role is restricted to facilitation. He said that 33 to 35 motels were lying closed for the last 10 years as this job was entrusted to irrelevant persons.

He said that PTDC would be restructured and a national level e-portal regarding tourism is ready to be launched which is waiting availability of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

He said that a one step website has been developed which would have all related information about the tourism sites and its managements.

He said that we have identified the potential tourists’ attractions in which local and national investors could provide required facilities.

He said that a concept of village tourism has been introduced which would also play a major role in the promotion of our cultural diversity.

He further said that it is a World Bank funded project which would attract foreign tourists to visit scenic valleys of northern areas.

Similarly, a ski resort would also be developed in Chitral which would be a unique attraction for the domestic and foreign tourists.

Underlining the importance of road communication system, he said that it is very strange that 300 km long stretch of Silk Route has no bathroom which is basic and fundamental requirement of any tourist.

He said that we are working for the standardization of hotels in addition to other allied services.

He said that qualified professional are required to man the hospitality industry and in this connection schools are being established in different parts of the country.

He also gave a comprehensive presentation about the potential of tourism in Pakistan with steps being taken by the government to induct private sector in it.

Provincial Culture Minister Khayal Kastro also addressed the dinner and said that for the first time in the history of this province, Punjab Culture Day was observed on March 14.

He said that being colonies minister in line with the vision of PM Imran Khan he has retrieved 200,000 acres of state land encroached by Qabza Mafia. The value of this land is around Rs.450 billion, he added.

He also paid best tributes to PM Imran Khan for organizing foreign ministers’ conference of Islamic Countries and said that his strategy played a pivotal role in the revival of industrial sector in Pakistan.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Faisalabad Ali Shehzad also addressed the function while former President Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) Mian Muhammad Adrees and President FCCI Atif Munir Sheikh along with PEC Organizer Azhar Chaudhary presented FCCI shields to Azam Jamil Special Assistant to PM on Tourism and sponsor of the culture dinner.

Later, Mian Javed Iqbal offered vote of thanks and requested the participants to ensure their participation in the last day event of PEC which would cover the subject of business models and real estate.

The businessmen drawn from all over the Pakistan participated in this dinner along with their families wearing their cultural dresses.

A traditional Ajrak was also presented to President FCCI Atif Munir Sheikh.