Training workshop for PBI officers held

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Capital Police arranged a training workshop for Police Bureau of Investigation officers with the specific purpose to bring an improvement in the investigation process and ensure professional approach during handling of investigation cases.
Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan has directed to start capacity building programs for investigation officers of the force as he focused on professional handling of various cases.
In this regard a training workshop was held at Police Lines Headquarters Islamabad, which was participated by investigation officers of Islamabad Capital Police.
Judges and lawyers are invited as guest speakers who delivered a lecture and briefed the officers of Islamabad Capital Police in improvement in investigation after implementation of Police Order 2002, basic and advanced investigation, Pakistan Penal Code and crimes scenes investigation.
The training workshops are aimed to improve the skills of policemen and they would be able to resolve any cases effectively. Such programs will also continue in future for capacity building of policemen.