Tree plantation to counter environmental, climate changes

Bureau Report

PESHAWAR: The depleting forest resources due to rapid population expansion and more reliance on fossil fuels have increased the emission of greenhouse gases while affecting the natural environment, bio-diversity, wildlife and aquatic resources.
Though the bounties of natural resources vary from deserts to alpine meadows, rivers, winds, plenty of sunshine and rich biological diversity but the country has enormous potential to expand its forest cover. According to National Forest Policy (2015), Pakistan is losing about 27,000 hectares of forest every year, which mainly occurs in private and community-owned natural forest, especially in Gilgit Baltistan and KP where the green gold was under enormous pressure due to rapid population growth, increased demands for woods, land encroachment and desertification. The population bulge has exerted extra pressure on forest resources both at national and provincial level; resultantly the actual demand of wood is three times higher than annual increment of forests. Therefore, in order to counter deforestation, environmental pollution and climate change, the previous PTI Government in KP had devised and implemented Green Growth Initiative (GGI) focusing on six sectors including forestry, protected areas and national parks, clean energy, climate resilience, water and sanitation and waste management.
After the enormous success of first phase of BTAP, Prime Minister Imran Khan had launched 10-BTAP on September 2, 2018 in the entire country under which additional one billion saplings would be planted during 2018-23 in KP. Focus is being given to Peri-Urban plantations under which 1.720 million saplings each would be planted in southern circle and merged areas, 3.280 million each in Hazara and Malakand regions during spring campaign. Plantations on roadsides of Swat Motorway, Peshawar-Islamabad Motorway, Indus Highways, farms and watershed areas, schools, GT road, parks, universities, canals and agriculture farms would be carried out.
Talking to reporters, Project Director, 10 Billion Trees Afforstration Project Raees Khan said that spring plantation campaign has been started across the province in line with PGGS approved by Provincial Cabinet on November 8, 2018. Under PGGS, he said forest cover in KP would be taken to 30 percent till 2023 from existing 26.3 percent by planting additional one billion saplings under 10BTAP. He said, “Our focus is on merged areas (erstwhile Fata) where its vast lands would be utilized during spring plantations through enclosures and man-made afforestration in order to achieve the set target of plantation of additional one billion trees by 2023.” Syed Ishtiaq Urmar, Provincial Minister for Environment, Forest and Wildlife while talking to the agency has said that plantation of indigenous trees like beer, palosa and kikar was focused to promote apiculture and honey business, adding 5.24 million plants of beer would be distributed for plantation during current year.