Troops continue rescue, relief efforts in weather affected areas

—2,478 families hit by rains, floods in Gwadar, alone

PM seeks report from CM Balochistan on damages


RAWALPINDI: The troops of Pakistan Army, Navy and Frontier Corps (FC) are busy in rescue and relief efforts in Gwadar District since last 96 hours after coastal belt of Balochistan was hit by heavy rainfalls.

The special relief efforts were being undertaken in isolated villages of Kulanch, Sardasht and Sunstar valleys, said an Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) media release.

The Gwadar old town also remained focus of dewatering operation, where the Army, FC and Pakistan Coast Guards have established medical camps and were distributing rations to flood victims, it added.

The military’s media wing also informed that the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has provided tents, blankets and rations through Army aviation helicopters, in remote areas.

Moreover, damage assessment was also underway to reach out to stranded families and channelize or render relief to far flung areas.

A Pakistan Air Force (PAF) C-130 sorties loaded with rations and clothing have also been flown to assist population of Pasni.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) Balochistan on Friday expedited its relief and rescue activities in the flood and snow-affected areas of the province to ensure proper rehabilitation facilities and minimize damage in emergency situations.

The PDMA Balochistan in collaboration with other authorities concerned was carrying out relief operations to protect precious lives and properties in snow and rain hit areas of Kanmehtarzai, Ziarat, Muslim Bagh, Kalat, Mastung, Quetta and Makran Division.

Talking to media, an official of PDMA said that the Authority was providing all necessary assistance to the victims of heavy rain and snow hit areas of the province.

He said the officials of PDMA timely responded on local administration and DDMA’s demand and dispatched relief items including 400 plastic mats, 628 kitchen set, 400 charpoy, 1,600 quilts, 600 solar light, 2,200 tarpaulin plastic and others items to the people of areas mostly affected by flood and snowfall.

“However, damages will be shared timely after completion of initial damage assessment report,” he added.

The departments concerned including Rescue 1122, Health, Revenue, Police, Livestock and others were directed to remain on alert during this period, he said.

He added that heavy snowfall in the areas of Ziarat, Kanmehtarzai and Muslim Bagh choked the major thoroughfares causing heavy traffic jams. However, heavy machinery was deployed that helped to evacuate vehicles stuck in the snow, the PDMA official said. “Roads are now clear and open for light vehicles whereas PDMA and Levies teams are spraying de-icing salt to ensure unimpeded traffic flow,” he added.

He informed that the affected families were also being provided food, blankets, and medicine.
He also advised people, particularly tourists, to avoid unnecessary travel in snowbound and landslide-prone areas during the prevailing weather conditions and observe caution as roads were slippery.

He said the provincial emergency center at PDMA office Quetta is working round the clock and directed to coordinate with local administration and other departments concerned for timely response.