Trump again to run for White House

WASHINGTON: Former President Donald Trump is considering launching a third bid for the White House this month, three Trump advisers said on Thursday, while Trump himself teased a strong possibility of a comeback during a rally in Iowa later in the day.
“And now, in order to make our country successful and safe and glorious, I will very, very, very probably do it again,” the former president said during the rally on Thursday night, teasing a 2024 bid. “Get ready, that’s all I’m telling you, very soon. Get ready,” he added. Trump was speed-dialing confidantes to hash out possible scenarios as he looks to benefit from expected Republican wins in Tuesday’s midterms, his advisers said. “I think like a moth to a flame, Trump will run in 2024,” one senior adviser told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity. “I think that he wants to run and announcing before Thanksgiving gives him a great advantage over his opponents and he understands that.” –Agencies