Trump discredited by Silicon Valley

By Makhdoom Babar

Islamabad: As if it was not enough to lose credibility because of baseless propogation against China, the US President Donald Trump has now lost pretty much all of his remaining credibility in the eyes of global social media giants like Twitter and Facebook as they have removed Trump’s tweets and posts regarding Covid-19 from Twitter and Facebook respectively, terming them as baseless and misleading.
President Trump has been making highly absurd and illogical statements on his social media and media briefing since the beginning of the pandemic for example repeatedly calling Covid-19 as “China Virus” and made an even more ridiculous statement later which prompted a lot of fury amongst the American citizens when President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectants like Bleach or isopropyl alcohol could help combat the virus – taking his own medical experts and staff by surprise.
He marched further towards becoming a laughing stock of a President when he posted a video on his facebook page where he claims in an interview “Young children cannot get the coronavirus” with absolutely no medical or scientific evidence to back it.
Facebook deleted the video for misleading and inaccurate information about the Covid-10 hence, breaking the company guildelines and this was first ever such step taken by Facebook regarding Trump.
Similar video was posted by Trump’s campaign team on twitter, retweeted but President Trump and hidden by Twitter for violating the community guidelines by giving false information on Covid-19.According to twitter spokespersons, Team Trump must take down the video to tweet any further.
Courtney Parella, a spokesperson for Trump campaign said that President Trump was “stating a fact that children are less susceptible to the coronavirus” and accused Silicon Valley of being biased against Trump and blind to the truth.