Trump gone, Imran to go, says Siraj

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BUNER: Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Siraj-ul-Haq said that Donald Trump has lost, now it is Imran Khan’s turn, people distrusted the Prime Minister.
Addressing a rally in Buner, Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami said that the PTI government was a continuation of previous governments, the people had distrusted Imran Khan, now he would resign and go home or take a U-turn.
He said that he is not ready to tolerate corrupt and capitalist system, PDM and PTI have their own statement, our statement is to bring Islamic system in this country.
“This government proved itself worst than previous regimes of the PML-N, PPP and Pervaiz Musharraf. It destroyed the economy and damaged every institution in half of its tenure. People are ready to march towards Islamabad to get rid of the Imran Khan regime if rulers remained unconcerned to the miseries of the masses,” declared Senator Siraj.
The JI, said Sirajul Haq, was the only party, which was acting as a real opposition and raising voice in interest of the country and its common man.
The participation of thousands of people in today’s rally even in a far-off area of the KP, he said, was a referendum against the PTI, reminding the prime minister his promise to resign from the office if even one thousand people gathered against him.