Trump’s request for farewell Mily parade rejected

DM Monitoring

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump’s request for a military-style farewell parade as he leaves office has reportedly been rejected by the Pentagon.
Last week American media reported the US president wanted his departure from Washington to involve a “military-style send off and a crowd of supporters” on Wednesday, January 20, the same day as Joe Biden is sworn in during a closed-to-the-public inauguration. But US defence and national security site Defence One reported the Pentagon, in a break with recent tradition, will not host an “Armed Forces Farewell” tribute to Trump.
Two senior defence officials confirmed to Defence One that no military farewell is being planned for the outgoing commander in chief.
It wasn’t clear where the farewell parade would have taken place – at the White House, Joint Base Andrews or his final destination of Palm Beach. When Trump’s term officially ends at noon on Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day, he expects to be at his Mar-a-Lago club in South Florida or playing at his nearby golf course.