Tunisia jails a group of religious Women

TUNIS: Tunisia has jailed nine members of an all-women “terrorist” gang accused of plotting to assassinate a govern-ment minister.
In the North African nation’s first known case of an all-woman jihadist group, two of the ringleaders were jailed for 25 years, while the other seven were handed sentences ranging between three and 14 years. One woman was acquit-ted.
The sentences were handed out by a court in the capital Tunis on Tuesday, but Tunisia’s prosecution service has no spokesperson and has not responded to journalists for months.
The justice minister declined to give further information on the case.
The case dates back to 2016, when reports appeared on social media of an attempt to assassinate then-interior minis-ter Hedi Majdoub during a visit to his parents — something his office denied. –Agencies