Tunisian parliament to resume work, defying Saied with full session

Tunisian parliament members said they would defy President Kais Saied and go ahead on Wednesday with their first full session since last summer when he suspended the chamber and moved to one-man rule.

More than half the members of parliament are expected to attend the online session and to hold a vote against the “exceptional measures” Saied has used since July to brush aside the 2014 democratic constitution and govern himself.

The session represents parliament’s most direct challenge to Saied, who has dismissed it as being “of the past,” and who late on Monday issued a stern warning that forces would confront “those who pushed Tunisians to fight.”

However, while the session may underscore increasing opposition to Saied and will challenge the legitimacy of his moves, it is not likely to alter his grip on power.

“We will go ahead with the expected session and are not afraid to defend a legitimate institution,” said Yamina Zoglami, a parliament member from the moderate Ennahdha. -Agencies