Turkey, EU cooperation key to fight hate in Europe

DM Monitoring

Ankara: Turkey and the European Union’s cooperation and collaboration are key to countering the message of hate and discrimination in Europe, Turkey’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said.
“We desire and pursue a closer relationship with the European Union. Our cooperation and collaboration are key to countering the message of hate and discrimination in Europe,” Altun said speaking at the TRT World Forum organized by Turkey’s English-language public broadcaster.
“The only way the bloc can prove it has no problem with the world’s Muslims is being respectful toward Turkey,” he stated, adding that the idea that Ankara must make concessions to Brussels to gain its amity is unjust. “We tell our European interlocutors that dialogue is the only element that will further our relations,” Altun said. Altun further invited EU countries to act against anti-Muslim and anti-refugee sentiment. Reports of anti-Muslim hatred-related incidents have sent shockwaves across Europe. A recent study by professor Tobias Singelnstein of Ruhr-University Bochum revealed that there is a structural problem among the German police, with reports of racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic insults, confirmed by police officers and victim testimonies.
Islamophobia is deepening in Europe with the populist discourses and policies of politicians like French President Emmanuel Macron and Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz. The two have adopted the arguments of the far-right and implemented laws that restrict the fundamental rights of Muslims. Islamophobia in France has become violent, as was exhibited in an incident where police treated four Muslim children, three of them Turkish, as terrorists, detaining the 12-year-old schoolchildren for 11 hours and opening an investigation into them over suspicions of “terrorist” propaganda.
France has the largest Muslim minority in Western Europe, totaling around 5 mi lion. Altun also touched upon Turkey’s relations with the U.S., which were strained due to a range of disagreements.