Turkey, global actors underline political solution for Syrian crisis

The Syrian crisis was discussed on Thursday as delegations from the Arab League, the European Union, Egypt, France, Germany, Iraq, Jordan, Norway, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom met in Washington. The participating countries reiterated their commitment to finding a political solution in Syria.

The U.S. State Department published a written joint statement of the delegation.

“We are committed to seeking a political solution to the Syrian crisis by United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2254, which will protect the rights and dignity of all Syrians,” the joint statement said.

Highlighting the “unacceptable suffering” of Syrian people as the 11th anniversary of the uprising for peaceful Syria on March 15, 2011 approaches, “We call for a nationwide cease-fire and respect for international humanitarian law. We continue to emphasize the importance of unhindered access to life-saving humanitarian assistance by all means, including re-authorizing cross-border humanitarian distribution as well as first aid and rescue projects in line with UNSC Resolution 2585. We reaffirm our support for the unity and territorial integrity of Syria and our commitment to the fight against all forms of terrorism.”

The statement called for concrete results from the seventh round of the Syrian Constitutional Commission meeting to be held this month by reiterating the importance of U.N. Special Envoy Geir Pedersen’s support and efforts throughout the process.

“It will be continued to push for a full account of the missing people, releasing those who are arbitrarily in detention, and accountability, especially for serious crimes committed in Syria, including the use of chemical weapons,” the statement also underlined.

Pointing out that all efforts regarding the prosecution of crimes committed in Syria are welcomed, the statement also called for continued support to Syrian refugees and a host of countries until Syrians voluntarily return to their homes in safety and dignity as per the standards of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. -Agencies