Turkic Council delegation members visit Ganja city

| Ankara says Baku showed great heroism during Karabakh war | Azerbaijan holds Arminia responsible for war crimes | Hungarian official felt glad to see an end to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

DM Monitoring

BAKU: The responsible ministers and high-ranking officials dealing with information and media of the Turkic Council paid a visit to Azerbaijan’s Aghdam district on Sunday.
After the visit to Aghdam, the delegation of the Turkic Council arrived in Ganja city.
Here, the delegation was informed about Armenia’s attacks against civilians of Azerbaijan’s Ganja city during the Armenia-Azerbaijan Second Nagorno-Karabakh war and the use of prohibited weapons by the Armenian Armed Forces against the Azerbaijani civilians.
During the visit to Ganja city, Head of the Foreign Affairs Policy Department of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Hikmat Hajiyev said the people in Armenia who ordered the missile strikes on Azerbaijani Ganja city are responsible for the war crimes.
“On October 11, 2020, Scud missiles were fired from the territory of Armenia at the city of Ganja. Several ready-to-launch Scud missiles were neutralized. One of the Armenian officials stated that their goal was to prevent even archaeologists from finding Ganja. Those people in Armenia who gave the order to launch missile strikes on Ganja are responsible for war crimes,” he said.
Meanwhile, State Secretary for Security Policy of Hungary, Peter Sztaray said it is very sad to see how many civilians died in result of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict so we are glad to see that it is over now.
Sztaray made the statement during the visit to the Aghdam city liberated from Armenian occupation.
“Hungary has a very close relationship with Azerbaijan, we have strategic cooperation and Hungarian FM has just recently visited Azerbaijan. We have always stood up for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,” he said. He also expressed hope that the reconstruction of the liberated lands will happen soon and life returns to this region.