Turkish firms join forces for 5th-gen combat aircraft

ISTANBUL: Turkish defense industry companies have combined their capabilities for the National Combat Aircraft (MMU), a fifth-generation indigenous stealth fighter jet and one of the country’s long-awaited technology projects.
Temel Kotil, general manager of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), which is the main contractor of the project, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the production process is progressing well and that the prototype, which includes avionics, control and hydraulic systems, will be unveiled for the first time on March 18, 2023. He said that after the firing of the engine, ground tests will commence. Stating that they have a “very strict” schedule to follow, Kotil said this is a project that both provides knowledge and receives contributions from others. For example, a joint company was established with Turkish companies for the air conditioning system and that this need will be met with domestic resources. “We have Aselsan for avionics and computer hardware, we have Havelsan for software, TAI also has its software team,” he said.
The actuators, which provide movement of the wings and control surfaces in warplanes, are the result of a partnership established by TAI, Altınay and a Ukrainian company.
TAI is working to produce the transparent canopy surrounding the cockpit locally, Kotil continued and said: “There is a very effective radar in the nose of the plane. We gave this task to Aselsan, they are working on it. There are sensors on the plane, produced by both Aselsan and Havelsan.”
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey’s (TÜBITAK) Information Security Advanced Technologies Research Center’s (BILGEM) is developing the central computers. Pavotek, another Turkish company, is developing the power distribution system.
Kotil said they are utilizing all the capabilities available in Turkey for this aircraft. “Building a fighter aircraft means putting all the contributing elements into the action,” he said, as TAI’s main role is to design and complete the geometry. – Agencies