Turkmen People’s Council mulls COVID-19 crisis

Ashgabat: The utmost nation-wide assembly of Turkmenistan – the meeting of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan was held. In view of the world epidemiological situation, the participants of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan located in the other regions of the country took part in the session which was organized in Ashgabat through videoconferencing.
The successive session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan chaired by the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was attended by the Chairperson of Mejlis (Parliament), Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of the ministries and profile agencies, members of public organizations, elders, representatives of various sectors, students and representatives of the mass media.
Being the highest representative body of the public authority, the People’s Council (Halk Maslahaty) provides for the application of the experience of Turkmen people in the area of state formation accumulated during the centuries-old history and participation of extensive groups of population in the adoption of significant public and political resolutions leading consequently towards realizing conceptual ideas and unity. This is based on such noble traditions of ancestors as holding nation-wide assemblies, during which the authorized representatives of communities made decisions on the most vital political, economic and military issues while generally accepted democratic principles were observed.
The successive session of the People’ Council of Turkmenistan had a rich agenda. During the meeting, the key vectors of successful implementation of historic and long-term programs in the new development period of the independent and permanently neutral Turkmenistan, as well as the subjects related to socio-economic growth of the state in 2021 were considered.
Besides, the constitutional reforms aimed at the development of work of the representative bodies in the area of legislative power were regarded. The corresponding documents of the People’s Council were adopted.
The historic address of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took place. The Head of State noted that in the result of the work done, the social conditions corresponding to the world standards are created for the population. These achievements were attained due to the friendship, hard work and high spirituality of the people.
During the successive session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan, it was also comprehensively spoken about the constitutional reforms which serve as a proof of adherence to democratic norms and international cooperation conditioned by the achievements of the society.
The People’s Council joined the system of state institutions performing functions in the field of legislation. Thus, on the way to the creation of a bicameral system of a representative legislative institution of state government, a proposal was voiced to establish the National Council of Turkmenistan, and its Chambers to be named as the Halk Maslahaty (People’s Council) and the Mejlis.–Agencies