Two rivals, same agenda

The United States and China, the two rivels agreed to cooperate to fight their common enemy climate change during recent days. The US special envoy for climate John Kerry and his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua both agreed to work together on climate change during two days of talks in Shanghai. The joint statement said that the two countries are committed to cooperate with each other and with other countries to tackle the climate crisis, which must be addressed with the seriousness and urgency that it demands. Both United States and China are the world’s biggest carbon emitter and produced nearly half of the fossil fuel fumes that are warming the earth’s atmosphere. Both big powers are the big contributor to the global warming and presently sit together to solve the problem. Earlier, former US President Trump shied away from his responsibilities by quitted out from Paris agreement, however, President Biden attached high priorities to the climate change. The US not only rejoined the Paris agreement but also assumed its leadership role in the worldwide efforts for cut down carbon emission to preserve the environment. On other hand, China is persistently, battling the climate change. Last year, China announced that it would be carbon-neutral by 2060. China is working to reduce carbon emissions per unit of economic output by 18% to meet its goal of 2060. Whereas, President Biden has promised to have an entirely emissions-free economy by 2050. Presently, John Kerry is pushing other nations to get it by 2050 in line with the US. However, China said that these goals are not easily delivered by a big country with 1.4 billion population. Presently both China and US had differences on the scope of efforts, but both are agreed on the issue and the way forward. Chinese are little pessimistic due to their burdensome population; however, they are not facing any scarcity of resources to meet the challenge. Hopefully, Chinese can make this miracle. Interestingly, Prime Minister Imran Khan and their Ministers are offering their expertise of combatting Climate Change to the World; therefore, Chinese can borrow services of their next-door friends if they can not make it at their own.