UK mulls enforced hotel quarantine for travelers

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LONDON: Britain’s government said on Sunday it is looking at requiring all incoming travelers to isolate in hotels, expanding on new coronavirus restrictions entering into force in the coming hours.
All arrivals to the UK will have to quarantine and show negative tests for Covid-19 from Monday at 0400 GMT, after the government scrapped “travel corridors” from countries with lower caseloads following the emergence of new strains.
The Sunday Times said the government planned to go further, emulating countries such as Australia and New Zealand in requiring travelers to self-isolate in hotels at their own charge, using GPS and facial-recognition technology to check they are staying put.
“There is a challenge of its workability, its deliverability, but we need to look at that very carefully based on the experience of other countries,” Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told media.
“There will be checks at home, there will be checks at the border. I think that is the most effective measure that we can take at this point in time,” he said. “Obviously we’ll keep other potential measures under review. But they’ve got to be workable.”