Ukraine SC Chief held in $2.7m graft probe

DM Monitoring

KYIV: Ukrainian law enforcement has detained the head of the country’s Supreme Court in a $2.7m bribery inquiry, as Kyiv pursues anti-graft measures required for closer integration with the European Union.
“The head of the Supreme Court has been detained,” Oleksandr Omelchenko, a prosecutor with Ukraine’s Specialised Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO), told reporters in Kyiv.
Omelchenko said two people, including the court’s chief Vsevolod Kniaziev, had been held as part of the investigation. He declined to identify the second individual.
“This is the biggest-ever case” implicating the judiciary, said the head of Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), Semen Kryvonos.
Kryvonos likened a group of judges within the Supreme Court who were implicated in the probe to a “criminal group”.
Late on Monday, the NABU and SAPO press services shared a photograph of piles of dollars neatly lined up on a sofa – reportedly money found by detectives.
Omelchenko said a “formal notice of suspension” had not yet been served against the unnamed individual.
“You see that we are showing through real cases, real deeds, what our priority is: it’s top corruption, it’s criminal organisation at the highest levels of power,” NABU’s Kryvonos told reporters.
Anti-corruption officials say Ukrainian billionaire Kostiantyn Zhevago had offered the bribe to court officials, with a law firm acting as an intermediary.
Zhevago allegedly transferred $2.7m to the lawyers, of which $1.8m was to be paid to Supreme Court justices, and $900,000 to lawyers for their “services as intermediaries”, Reuters reported.