UN confirmed Pakistan’s viewpoint

A new report of United Nations Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team has acknowledged the action taken by Pakistani government against individuals engaged in terrorist activities, and acknowledged that terror group Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was responsible for over 100′ cross-border’ attacks with-in three months last year. On its part, Pakistan has consistently highlighted the terrorism threat from the TTP and affiliates. The United Nations (UN) monitoring team that tracks Al-Qaeda, Islamic State and other extremist groups categorically admitted in its 27th report submitted to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) pointed out the arrests of individuals engaged in terrorism financing and freezing of assets of designated individuals and entities by the government of Pakistan. The UN report, briefly described the anti-Pakistan activities of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the UN report noted that the ‘reunification of splinter groups of (TTP) took place in Afghanistan. According to report, the five terrorist groups pledged alliance to TTP in July and August last year (2020), including the Shehryar Mehsud group, Hizb-ul-Ahrar, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, the Amjad Farooqi group and the Usman Saifullah group (formerly known as Lashkar-e- Jhangvi). The report cautions that the merger of TTP has enhanced the threat of terrorism to Pakistan and the region, as it has ‘increased the strength of TTP ranges between 2,500 and6,000. Pakistan had been consistently informed the UNO and International Community about the ground reality and the threat animating out of Afghan’s soil across its Western border with Afghanistan. Pakistan told the world that it successfully eliminated the terrorist group TTP and its offshoots from FATA and Malakand Division by Pakistan security forces through a series of operations including Rahat-e-Nijjat, Khayber I and II and Operation Zarb-e-Azb during 2009 to 2015. According to Pakistan, the terrorist remnants eluded to Afghanistan after destruction of their safe heavens in Pakistan, and due to active support of Afghan agencies and Terrorists established sanctuaries in border areas of Afghanistan. These terrorists launch cross border attacks against Pakistan during last few years. Indian Intelligence Agency RAW has hired these anti-Pakistan terror groups based in Afghanistan for terrorist activities inside Pakistan. In this regard, government of Pakistan handed over a dossier to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the Indian sponsorship of TTP and JuA, both terrorist groups are already designated by the 1267 Sanctions Committee of the Security Council in the past. Pakistan handed over a dossier to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the Indian sponsorship of TTP and JuA.
Both terrorist groups have been designated by the 1267 Sanctions Committee of the Security Council three months back. Pakistan also raised the issue of cross border attacks with Afghan government; however, Afghan government did no thing more than words rather Afghan Intelligence used these elements as proxies against Pakistan due to their unending bias toward Pakistan.

Government of Pakistan should double down its efforts to share this report of UNSC monitoring team with relevant International organizations and who have been involved in creating embarrassment for Pakistan on false accusations. Pakistan specifically share this report with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to correct its record and clear the Pakistan from its grey list. Beside it, Pakistan also share this UN report with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres with whom Pakistan already shared the dossier on Indian Involvement in terrorists’ activities in Pakistan. Pakistan can assert that UNO must warn India to act responsibly and halt its Intelligence activities against Pakistan from Afghan’s soil.