UN peacekeepers no ‘magic wand’ for crises: Mission Chief

—– Over 90,000 peacekeepers serve under the UN flag, engaged in 12 separate operations

UNITED NATIONS: The presence of United Nations peacekeepers, whose shortcomings can frustrate local populations, is not a “magic wand” for conflict zones, said their leader Jean-Pierre Lacroix, who supports an expanded tool kit to protect civilians in increasingly complex territory.
From Lebanon to the Democratic Republican of Congo (DRC), from South Sudan to the Western Sahara, some 90,000 so-called Blue Helmets serve under the UN flag, engaged in 12 separate operations.
These missions do not always meet with unanimous approval on the ground, as in Mali, where UN peacekeepers have been forced by the government to leave, or in the DRC where some inhabitants have expressed hostility.
Yet the peacekeepers protect “hundreds of thousands of civilians” daily, Lacroix, the UN under-secretary-general for peace operations, told AFP in an interview.
Sometimes such protection mandates “raise expectations that we cannot meet, because of the capacities that we have, because of the budget that we have, because of the terrain and the logistical constraint,” he acknowledged.
“It raises frustrations from those who are not protected,” and such resentments are manipulated “by those who would prefer the continuation of chaos.”
According to Lacroix, countries where UN peacekeepers operate face “the weaponization of fake news and disinformation.”
Would conditions be better there if such missions were absent? “In most cases, it would probably be much worse,” he said.
But “it doesn’t mean that peacekeeping operations are the magic wand, or the universal response to every kind of crisis.”
The 15-member UN Security Council authorizes the Blue Helmets in “supporting political processes” that lead to sustainable peace, Lacroix said.
But today “we have a more divided Security Council,” with members that “don’t put their weight behind the political processes” associated with UN peacekeeping, he added.
Lacroix hopes a December 5-6 ministerial meeting in Ghana will prompt a recommitment by members toward the global body’s peacekeeping missions.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has already urged reconsideration of the future of such operations, particularly where there is no peace to keep.
Blue Helmets can protect civilians when a ceasefire is already in place. “UN peacekeepers do not do peace enforcement,” Lacroix said. –Agencies