UN releases candidatures for interim govt in Libyan

Tripoli: The UN Libya Support Mission (UNSMIL) announced Saturday candidates for leadership of the interim unity government that will govern the war-torn country until elections are held Dec. 24.
There are 24 candidates for the Presidency Council, which forms the executive authority, and 21 for the Prime Minister’s Office, according to UNSMIL.
The interim executive authority consists of the Presidency Council — the president and his two vice-presidents — and the prime minister’s offices.
The names to be chosen for the new interim government, which will include four leaders, including members of the Presidency Council and the prime minister, will be determined by a vote by the 75 members of the UN-led Libyan Political Dialogue Forum in Geneva scheduled for Feb. 1-5. Libya and Political Dialogue Forum UN interim envoy to Libya, Stephanie Williams, announced Jan. 3 the formation of an 18-member Consultative Council of the Libyan Dialogue Forum to draft a formal mechanism to select Libya’s temporary executive. In a recent statement, UN also hailed the breakthrough achieved in Libya transition talks. – Agencies